Saturday 3 May 2008

Dark parade

The dark Parade

A slow moving parade across the city,
It is quiet, on a Sunday evening,
There were cars, vans and mourners,
Colourless except the decaying!
There he was walking very slowly,
Wiping every tears on his pale cheeks,
Staring at his own black boots,
Hoping-no one can see his tears.
Then, it went motionless,
Everyone in shock and panic,
Some speechless, some screamed,
Sigh- another parade yet to go.
No one spoke of him again,
Two parades, for both husband and wife,
Gone to see their beautiful daughter,
Some said he brings shame and humiliation,
When he put a bullet through his brain.
How could he lose both the queen and princess?
How so? Isn’t this all about love?
They love each other, dearly,
Even when she said,
“There will be a dark parade soon”.
There and then it was again a Sunday,
They left the mourners as they speak,
Finally for eternity,
Maybe that is true love,
Maybe it is true beauty!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It seems's like one of the poem we did but this is more detailed...