Saturday 3 May 2008



I talked to God last night,
My eyes shut tight,
Hoping that He can hear
Wanting Him to be here,
I have one single wish…
Father, will you take me now?
I don’t care why or how,
Please don’t let me wake up
I can’t face this cruel world.
Father, I fail when I ask,
I feel so low because of this task,
I have no one to talk to and no one will listen,
I know I will burn in Hell.
Tears rolling down my cheeks
I beg for You to take me now,
I can’t face the challenge
No! I hurt too much.
I fall every time and could not get up,
I feel so lost and empty,
Every minute of everyday,
I will still be waiting, I pray,
Please, Father take me now.


ice kacang said...

during my darkest moment, i hv also requestd d same thing bt ths ws wad i gt:

in moments of despair,
when everything is unfair,
God carries his lover,
through the thoroughfare

so, nver give up bcoz He loves us!

OfficialAzyMD said...

huhu... i miss my father so much...