Thursday 26 February 2009


We sat in the dark and talked,
The wind blowing in our hair,
Had a drink or two and we started,
Telling each other our deepest secrets.

Facing the crowds with a charge,
A room full with juries and a judge,
Staring me in those chains when i swore,
On the Holy Book to tell nothing but the truth.

I commited this crime over and over again,
I'm addicted to it just like drugs,
Facing the juries, my heartbeats faster,
I promise, i'll never do it again.

All my hope and dreams destroyed,
You said we could be beset friend,
That was the biggest relieve that i had,
When we decided to forgive and forget.

"All rise" and everyone stood up,
I felt naked, when all eyes fall on me,
"Guilty!!" , was my charge and i was sentence,
I looked back, crying because of you.

Why do i feel that our friendship is on trail?
So many juries needed for such a small case,
I don't need then to decide for me, do you?
Tell me, what am i guilty of?

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