Friday 2 January 2009

Shit Happen

I'm back in my campus, obviously.When i reached my hostel on 29th December, i found out that i was transfered to another hostel. I do not know which room and i do not have any keys.This means that i am left stranded in my own campus. Leaving home was always sad for me and when i got back here, i found out i have no place to stay.I broke into tears and all i could do is cry.I did not know where i would sleep as i was carrying my laptop, my back pack and my big suitcase.
Luckily, my friend's fcae came in mind.I called her and i stayed in her room, another hostel.I dragged everything to her room.Along the way, i called mum and dad and instead of talking, i was just crying non stop. I hardly sleep that night because i'm worried about mu suitcase and the things in the store. I sms my coursemate and she agreed to help me with the suitcase that was in my friend's room.
After class the next day, we went and took the suitcase and the laptop to the hostel that i am place in. The place is old but the room is bigger and it got a two lifts (no more carrying the suitcase). What sucks the most is that there is no connection in the room and no proper place to dry my clothes.
For the past four nights, i slept without a pillow due to the person taking the store key was off duty.I only manage to get the rest of my items from the store from the old hostel. Thank God, my friend helped me with the suitcase and me, carrying a big black bag up the hill to my new place. It was tiring but what can i do?It is already the last semester but i do hope that i have a good roomie. One thing i know is that it is nearer to class, there is a grocery shop right downstairs and more choice of food in this cafe.
Luckily, i got over it and tonight is the first night i will be sleeping with a pillow. I can get a proper sleep now but before that 'shit happens'...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG what hell is this now...sedih! Look at it as a new year's challenge. Life is full of the unexpected.