Thursday 7 May 2009

The Altar Boy

She stares at him in church,
Thinking that he must love God,
She was just plain and simple,
Unlike him, he is an altar boy.

She knew him from school,
They never really talk,
She was shy, he was talkative,
She thought, staring at the altar boy.

Few years later, they went out,
She thought that it was meant to be,
Maybe they were put together by God,
She was sure that they would be together.

She dreams of him holding her,
Through laughter and tears,
She dreams that he would propose,
A marriage and have his children.

That beautiful dream was destroy,
When he told her a very big secret,
He no longer believe in God,
Though he was once, an altar boy.

She kept a secret to herself,
After the break up, they moved on,
She really loved him but he does not know,
He thought that she hated him for destroying that dream.

He walked down the street and saw her,
They went for coffee, talked and laugh,
She wrote a letter to him and left it under her pillow,
That night she went in for surgery.

He received a called to go to the hospital,
Instead of seeing her, he got the letter,
It breaks his heart to continue to read,
He cried and prayed once again,
Like he used to when he was an altar boy.

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