Sunday 7 December 2008

Alone again

Years ago, this time, this date I thought,
I would have given it all away,
I made believe that I would have someone,
Snap back in reality, alone again.

In dreams of a far away place,
There is someone perfect out there,
Someone that is a heroic figure,
Someone that I could call mine.

We would spend most of our time together,
We would swim in the deep blue sea,
Maybe we would fight and make up,
All that is just my dream.

I know that it is not real,
Maybe not yet or never going to happen,
It is all my desire and wild imagination,
I know because I am alone again.

I go to bed and wake up all alone,
We never ever spend some time together,
When I laugh or cry, when I cut or bleed,
I turn around to find that I am alone again.

No hero to save me from my wicked tower,
No lips to kiss and taste the breathe of life,
No hands to hold when there is fear,
When I look for one, I am alone again.

I dare not think of what years might bring,
Maybe my wild imagination will come true,
Then, I will dare to dream and believe,
Maybe, I will always be alone again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sedih...what is this now? Self-pity? Anyway, you know, having a relationship isn't all rosy and great. There are the bumpy rides,tidal waves, and the knots that tangles.