Wednesday 19 November 2008

If the world ends tomorrow

If the world ends tomorrow,
Maybe I will not be drown in sorrow,
Apart of me might be glad,
Know that I am good without a lad.

There will be no worries for me,
Everything will start to clear up for me,
I do not have to think about the future,
Do not need to be any more mature.

If the world ends tomorrow,
There is no need for a bone marrow,
I will live healthy with a smile,
I might be glad that I will run a mile.

I do not have to look around and feel sad,
Maybe I will skip and feel glad,
No stab of jealousy for couples in the park,
No need for a lad to make my life spark.

If the world ends tomorrow,
There is nothing I would borrow,
No books, no pencils scattered on the table,
Do not need to make my life stable

Money would finally mean nothing anymore,
When everyone walk into that door,
There and then, my life would just end,
So will my worries and my pain.

If the world end tomorrow,
I will have my last ride on the burrow,
Giggling again like a little child,
Release me into the wild.

I would lay on the bed with my eyes close,
No more nightmares, no more foes,
I would pray for wishing for this sorrow,
If only tomorrow the world could end.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If the world ends tomorrow...if is are all the things you have mentioned. This is to say that there are conditions.