Thursday 8 May 2008

Your face

The world is a lonely and cold place,
Especially this time I can’t see your face,
Everything is misty, everything unclear,
Lost in the fog, where are you, my dear?

I’ve waited for so long but no shadows,
No solid picture of you through that door,
Waiting on the porch for you every night,
But you are still out of sight.

Should I start counting the stars in the sky?
Or should I start to learn how to fly?
Maybe if I pray a little more,
Will you return to this very core?

So many questions, so many tears,
None answer and leads to fears,
Not knowing if I will ever be alright,
I am holding on without any light.

The bed is made and it is cold,
Without you here, I am growing old,
No one to turn to, no one to hold,
This is not a fairytale that I was once told…
“Princess was locked up in a high tower,
The prince has strength, that is his power,
Safe the princess with a kiss,
Through their ups and downs they found bliss,
Before getting married, they found lots of laughter,
Only then, they have their happily ever after”.

I laid awake and drowned in my own tears,
Will I ever get the answer to my prayers?
Should I keep on waiting in this cruel place?
I just hope that one day I will see your face.

Saturday 3 May 2008


This is insane!!! It is almost midnight and the neighbour is still burning grass, i think. I just had my bath and washed my hair and i have to do it all over again. I guess yesterday's hard work of cleaning up my room is pointless because all the bedsheets and my towel is the smell of smoke. My poor Bambi also smells...
Well...i don't know what to write because there is nothing much going on right now.It is a holiday for me and there is no plan.I have been back for a week and so far all that i did was clean up the house and it is all clean now. Thank God. Besides that, i am watching 'Buffy the vampire slayer' until the wee hours.Oh, also i am reading 'Frankenstein' for my next semester's independence study.Am i making the right choice to take it?Will i be able to cope with it? There is no class or finals just the research paper.I am still thinking about it.
I guess that is all for me. I am bored but i do not feel like going out. Weird isn't it?

Dark parade

The dark Parade

A slow moving parade across the city,
It is quiet, on a Sunday evening,
There were cars, vans and mourners,
Colourless except the decaying!
There he was walking very slowly,
Wiping every tears on his pale cheeks,
Staring at his own black boots,
Hoping-no one can see his tears.
Then, it went motionless,
Everyone in shock and panic,
Some speechless, some screamed,
Sigh- another parade yet to go.
No one spoke of him again,
Two parades, for both husband and wife,
Gone to see their beautiful daughter,
Some said he brings shame and humiliation,
When he put a bullet through his brain.
How could he lose both the queen and princess?
How so? Isn’t this all about love?
They love each other, dearly,
Even when she said,
“There will be a dark parade soon”.
There and then it was again a Sunday,
They left the mourners as they speak,
Finally for eternity,
Maybe that is true love,
Maybe it is true beauty!!



I talked to God last night,
My eyes shut tight,
Hoping that He can hear
Wanting Him to be here,
I have one single wish…
Father, will you take me now?
I don’t care why or how,
Please don’t let me wake up
I can’t face this cruel world.
Father, I fail when I ask,
I feel so low because of this task,
I have no one to talk to and no one will listen,
I know I will burn in Hell.
Tears rolling down my cheeks
I beg for You to take me now,
I can’t face the challenge
No! I hurt too much.
I fall every time and could not get up,
I feel so lost and empty,
Every minute of everyday,
I will still be waiting, I pray,
Please, Father take me now.