Tuesday 29 January 2013

How cruel can you be?

I love checking my friends' status in Facebook; that is my confession. Some posts are funny, others are not and then, there is one that broke my heart. It is an update from SSPCA (Sarawak Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) . There are a few pictures that would and should make people sad. The dogs were crammed in one small cage and they were once pets. Just because the festive season is here, it is not right to remove your pets as if they are rubbish. YOU CAN'T SPRING CLEAN YOUR PETS!!

How can it be so easy  and convenient for you to just dispose them? Don't you feel sad seeing them forced into a cage and taken away? Obviously, the answer is no because no human who loves their pets would do such a horrible thing. I think the more appropriate question is how can you just sit back and watch your pet  breed and breed and breed?Then, when the festive season is here, you asked the council to dispose them. After that, history repeats itself. How cruel can you be?

A few things you can do to decrease the population is to neuter. Neutering your pet is not a difficult task. Make an appointment with your veterinary. Fast your pet for twelve hours. Bring your pet to the vet and leave him/her there while the vet do the neutering. Your pet can go home on the same day. That is all. The best time to neuter your pet is when he/she is about three months old. I know for some people it seems cruel, but wouldn't it be worse to bring unwanted puppies/ kittens into the world? They will be strays and the victims to road kills and cruelty.

In this case, it is not the dogs or cats' fault to populate. All this points back to human for not being responsible. Dogs are not only meant to look after the house and cats are not only to chase mouse. They are more than just that. They need love, care and companion. Once you've decided to be a fur parent, it means that you have a huge responsibility on your shoulder. You need to be able to provide your pet from food, drink, shelter to all the medical bills. If not, then what's the point of having pets?


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