Monday 22 September 2008

I will still know

Like a broken chair caught in the rain,
In the front yard waiting to be rescue,
Maybe a carpenter who could fix it,
Maybe then, there will be a place of belonging.

There it was for days and nights,
Paraded to the public with its ugliness,
It was once a beautiful piece of furniture,
After all these years, it loses its beauty.

If you were caught in my rain,
I would shelter you with my umbrella,
You know that you are always welcome,
All you have to do is call my name.

I would not leave you to bleed if you fall,
I will bring the first aid to mend your wound,
That is how a friend should be,
Always there, especially when you fall.

You can lean on my shoulder, you can complain,
I will stand with you and listen,
If you cry, I will cry too,
It hurt me to see your tears.

I was that broken chair for a long time,
Always unwanted by any groups,
Don’t worry my friend; I know how it feels like,
I was once your victim to this pain.

I would not push you aside because I care,
I would not let you be paraded as ‘friendless’,
You know, that you can always have me,
Cause I will still know you and be here.

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