Monday 1 September 2008


If i could pick an emotion now, it would be between being angry and irritated.It is only almost 9AM and i am feeling like this.Guess it is not my day today.The one thing that i hate being in campus is having a roomate.Every semester i am given a roomate that could barely compromise.A roomate that thinks that she is alone in this room.Other words they are selfish.
When i enter this semester,I thought differently but after a few weeks, i was always.There were just so much noise especially in the morning.Like the previous two roomates,there was so much banging!!!Is that what people want to hear early in the morning.It gets to me this morning when she sets the dam alarm to 5.45AM and just let it ring a while.I went to the toilet then and it was off.
Then, woke up again before 8AM because of the banging and talking to her friend and a final slam on the door before she left.Buenos diaz to me,i am awake.Hardly slept and had a bad dream about Bambi. I couldn't imagine how today is going to be like.What else can be worse than spoiling my mood this early and i got class until 6PM.I am already having a headache...
I never did get a single room though i asked for it and i am stuck here.I am not going to move out because it is already my final years.Guess that i will just have to deal with it and hoping that i can just sleep through the noise everyday.It makes me miss home because i have my own room and Bambi too.Life is a bitch but i know i just have to hold on.It is not easy but i have been through this shit before.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Life is a hoo...we all know that so it's up to us to un-bitch life or at least try. I was wondering if you have ever talked to your room mates. I would if i was in your position. I wouldn't just let it slide and tell yhe person to be considerate. If the person doesn't want to try make life less bitching for me then i'll summound the bitch in me out.