Sunday 28 September 2014

Animazing Race

Today I had a new experience. I never thought I would ever do it. 

My brothers and I registered ourselves for 'Animazing Race' organized by Sarawak Society for the Prevention of Animal Cruelty (SSPCA) two weeks ago. I didn't know what encourage me; perhaps it was the hunger for new experience. We registered for the 5KM fun run and were excited about it. 

That was until few days before the event. I was so out of shape and honestly, I had never ran even a kilometre. I was no school athlete either while growing up. Anything to do with sports and especially running, I was OUT. I hate running as my muscles ache easily.  So, what was I thinking when I registered? The day came when we collected our runner kit. I love the striking orange  shirt, though. 

The BIG question remained, "Can I make it to the finishing line?" Then, the next question was, "What if I come in last?" Since I registered, my goal was to have fun. It was never about winning the medal because I am not a runner. My aim was to get to the finishing line without making a fool of myself. 

So, this morning (28.09.14), I was woken up by my alarm clock just as Bambi (my dog) was starting to doze off. Wearing that orange sleeveless shirt with a pair of black shorts, my brothers and I were out the house by 6am. The sun had just started rising and the cool breeze was in the air when we reached Borneo Convention Centre Kuching (BCCK). There were groups and groups of runners warming up near the parking lot, so we decided to get into the building. 

We were early. We visited the toilet and when we came out, the race for 10KM was starting. We watched excitedly. We warmed up and soon, it was our turn. Everyone started running down the slope. I had my MP3 in my ears and I felt that breeze against my face. Three minutes into the race, some runners were nowhere to be seen, others were slowing down and some started walking.  

My brothers were right ahead of me, but they looked back once in a while to make sure I was fine. I was, as I gave them the thumbs up. I started going in front of the line. Though my muscle started aching a little, I kept going. The music in my ears was my motivation. Sweat formed on my forehead as my heartbeat started its own rhythm in my ears. 

"I can't be the last one to cross the finishing line," I reminded myself. 

After about a kilometre, I can no longer run. My leg muscles were killing me and my shoulder blade hurt. That's what not warming up enough can do to you. So, I walked at a fast pace. More runners past me and when my muscles were not as painful, I picked up my pace and started running again.

I ran and I walked. I ran and I walked. 

For the last 500m, I started running like there was no tomorrow. I didn't know I could run that fast ! 

When I crossed the finishing line, boy, was I on top of the world. Not only did I finish the race, but I was not the last one to cross the finishing line. I was breathing heavily and my shirt was soaked in sweat. 

As you'd have guessed, I didn't win any medal. 

It didn't matter to me because my goals were to have fun (I did), to gain new experience (I did) and most of all, to run for a good cause (I did too). 

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