Tuesday 21 February 2012

Food that i will not eat

One of the foods that i stopped myself from eating is shark fin soup. I have been taking this soup since i was a child during special occasions such as Chinese New Year. Although one small bowl of shark fin soup can costs up to a few hundred ringgit in my country, i don't think that it is worth taking it. This soup is like the most expensive soup and there are some benefits in it, but still i wouldn't take it. This is because of the fining process. Shark fin soup obviously means the shark's fin. I thought that they kill the shark and then take the fin, but i was wrong. They cut off the shark's fin and let the shark die. Without it's fin, the shark can't swim; resulting in drowning. Some people say sharks are cruel because they eat human and deserve to die,anyway. I agree with the first part, but not the second part. No living things should die that way. Do you cut off a murderer's hands and legs and let them die?I mean, they kill someoneAdd Video too. So, i will not eat this delicacy because of its inhumanely killings.

Another food that i grew up with and eating it in restaurants are roast suckling pigs. I stopped eating this cuisine when i hit puberty because of my thoughts. When this cuisine is served, the roast suckling pig is served with its face and even tail on a big plate; the whole thing!It puts me off because of the thought that such a young creature is being taken away from its mother to be slaughtered and roasted. A suckling pig in culinary is taken away from its mother around the age of two to six weeks. In my head, i have the image of a huge man slitting the throat of a newborn, cutting it open and roasting it. Since this image, i stopped eating this dish. It just gross me out especially with the teeth which is visible.
So, that is another dish that i would say, "No, but no thanks" when it is offered to me.

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