Tuesday 21 February 2012

Food that i will not eat

One of the foods that i stopped myself from eating is shark fin soup. I have been taking this soup since i was a child during special occasions such as Chinese New Year. Although one small bowl of shark fin soup can costs up to a few hundred ringgit in my country, i don't think that it is worth taking it. This soup is like the most expensive soup and there are some benefits in it, but still i wouldn't take it. This is because of the fining process. Shark fin soup obviously means the shark's fin. I thought that they kill the shark and then take the fin, but i was wrong. They cut off the shark's fin and let the shark die. Without it's fin, the shark can't swim; resulting in drowning. Some people say sharks are cruel because they eat human and deserve to die,anyway. I agree with the first part, but not the second part. No living things should die that way. Do you cut off a murderer's hands and legs and let them die?I mean, they kill someoneAdd Video too. So, i will not eat this delicacy because of its inhumanely killings.

Another food that i grew up with and eating it in restaurants are roast suckling pigs. I stopped eating this cuisine when i hit puberty because of my thoughts. When this cuisine is served, the roast suckling pig is served with its face and even tail on a big plate; the whole thing!It puts me off because of the thought that such a young creature is being taken away from its mother to be slaughtered and roasted. A suckling pig in culinary is taken away from its mother around the age of two to six weeks. In my head, i have the image of a huge man slitting the throat of a newborn, cutting it open and roasting it. Since this image, i stopped eating this dish. It just gross me out especially with the teeth which is visible.
So, that is another dish that i would say, "No, but no thanks" when it is offered to me.

Saturday 18 February 2012

Foot reflexoloy

If you want to unwind after a long stressful day, you might want to try out foot reflexology. I've tried out foot reflexology since my university years. I was in a shopping center, alone and tired of walking. I didn't want to go back to my hostel yet as it was a lonely place for me. So, i went to a foot reflexology shop.

The man asked me how long i wanted it so i said an hour because i had no idea what it was. I took off my shoes and put on the soft slipper and he guided me to a big arm chair. The lights were dimmed and there was elevator music playing in the background. After a minute or so, the man appeared with a big bucket of water.

I was asked to soak my feet in it. To my shocked it was hot water. It was REALLY HOT!! It was later that i found out; it is best to bear with it as it will disappear quickly. The hot water is used to clean your feet and open up the pore on your feet. I soaked my feet for about three to five minutes before the man took the bucket away.

When he came back, he wiped dry my feet with a towel. Then, he put some lotion on one of my feet and started massaging it and putting pressure on each points. It is believed that those points are our organs. If it hurts when the pressure is on certain point, then that organ or body part is not healthy. Sometimes it hurts and the best thing to do is take a deep breath and exhale. The whole process is similar with the next foot.

After that, the man took a wet hot cloth and wiped off the lotion so that it is possible to walk properly. When you go for a foot reflexology, you will feel relax and you will have a better sleep that night. Some people started sleeping as soon as the massage begins!

Ever since, I've been to a few foot reflexology center once every few months. So the next time you feel stress out, instead of lighting a cigarette or thinking of doing something silly, try foot reflexology. The atmosphere is welcoming and calming. Just close your eyes and relax.