Tuesday 25 January 2011

Mr. Pipsqueak

Mr. Pipsqueak ran all the way home,
He didn't stop when he saw the gnome,
He ran with a wide smile on his face,
He only stopped when he kicked the vase.
Mr. Pipsqueak fell and got up again,
Nothing can stop him from what he had gain,
He ran past the woods, flowers and the farm,
What made him smile might also bring him harm.

Mr. Pipsqueak entered his blue house,
Small house, Mr. Pipsqueak has no spouse,
His tiny hand placed in his pocket,
Pulling out a gold, magic locket.

Mr. Pipsqueak stared at his possession,
Make him fall into a strong obsession,
"I am somebody because i am rich,"
He stated loudly, turning on the switch.

Mr. Pipsqueak dug a hole in the ground,
He buried it just like how it was found,
He laughed and his belly moved up and down,
"I am rich because IT is in the ground."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loves it!