Monday 22 September 2008

I will still know

Like a broken chair caught in the rain,
In the front yard waiting to be rescue,
Maybe a carpenter who could fix it,
Maybe then, there will be a place of belonging.

There it was for days and nights,
Paraded to the public with its ugliness,
It was once a beautiful piece of furniture,
After all these years, it loses its beauty.

If you were caught in my rain,
I would shelter you with my umbrella,
You know that you are always welcome,
All you have to do is call my name.

I would not leave you to bleed if you fall,
I will bring the first aid to mend your wound,
That is how a friend should be,
Always there, especially when you fall.

You can lean on my shoulder, you can complain,
I will stand with you and listen,
If you cry, I will cry too,
It hurt me to see your tears.

I was that broken chair for a long time,
Always unwanted by any groups,
Don’t worry my friend; I know how it feels like,
I was once your victim to this pain.

I would not push you aside because I care,
I would not let you be paraded as ‘friendless’,
You know, that you can always have me,
Cause I will still know you and be here.

Tuesday 16 September 2008

Walking zombies

The sun is going down, darkness fall,
Everyone is in the house making some call,
The dead will rise from their grave tonight,
The walking zombies vs human, in sight.

Low grunting sound, walking around town,
Go for cover, stay put, do not make a sound,
Any victim they comes accross will be dead,
Walking zombies all losing their head.

In their ruined clothes they drag along the way,
Do not communicate as they won't understand a word you say,
RUN, RUN for your life and just be strong,
They are the walking zombies, all are wrong.

Their eyes tell that they are dead but they are not,
Mouth dripping with blood that is still hot,
All skin, organs and flesh are their sources of food,
The walking zombies will kill for good.

They capture their victims without any mercy,
"No sir! That is not little Percy",
He is dead before...but risen agaib,
He is a walking zombie who will eat your brain.

Shoot them in the head to kill them,
They are not human, not even condemn,
Once the virus breaks here lies the humanity,
One mistake and we lose our insanity.

Monday 1 September 2008


If i could pick an emotion now, it would be between being angry and irritated.It is only almost 9AM and i am feeling like this.Guess it is not my day today.The one thing that i hate being in campus is having a roomate.Every semester i am given a roomate that could barely compromise.A roomate that thinks that she is alone in this room.Other words they are selfish.
When i enter this semester,I thought differently but after a few weeks, i was always.There were just so much noise especially in the morning.Like the previous two roomates,there was so much banging!!!Is that what people want to hear early in the morning.It gets to me this morning when she sets the dam alarm to 5.45AM and just let it ring a while.I went to the toilet then and it was off.
Then, woke up again before 8AM because of the banging and talking to her friend and a final slam on the door before she left.Buenos diaz to me,i am awake.Hardly slept and had a bad dream about Bambi. I couldn't imagine how today is going to be like.What else can be worse than spoiling my mood this early and i got class until 6PM.I am already having a headache...
I never did get a single room though i asked for it and i am stuck here.I am not going to move out because it is already my final years.Guess that i will just have to deal with it and hoping that i can just sleep through the noise everyday.It makes me miss home because i have my own room and Bambi too.Life is a bitch but i know i just have to hold on.It is not easy but i have been through this shit before.