Friday 25 April 2008

Second best

The mirror shatters like rain,
Everything now is just numb with pain,
How long can i take trying to pretend?
Well, i guess that it will never ever end.
Words of love are just words,
Action, that is a stronger impact,
I need no other word but understanding,
Wondering when will it all end.
I hate the truth, it hurts,
It cut me, no, no i am not made from stone,
I cry, I fall and I bleed,
You don't know that, you think i am invisible.
Love me as the second best,
In the past, the present and the future?
What was my mistake to your acts?
This inhuman curelty, leads to tears.
Will you love me if i was prettier,
Will you love me if i was not shy?
What if i die? Will you laugh?
Sick of people threating me,
Like a stone, dead and an object,
Why is it always me?
Me, that always comes as...,
The second best.

Friday 18 April 2008


First of all welcome and thanks for reading my blog.I started this blog maybe because my oldest brother asked me to or maybe because i want people to appriciate my work.Have you ever write and write, posts after post and no one writes any comments? Well that happened to me.I thought maybe here, it would be different.I am hoping that people will write comments on my blog.

I write short stories, poems and also incidents that happen in life.Let me warn you that it won't all be the happy type as most of my works are gloomy.I guess that is how i view my surroundings, my personal feelings and experiences.At times, there may be happy incidents or something happy that encourages me, then there will be a happy 'art'.

So that is all for now.I hope that people will read and post some comments.Please, don't judge a book by its cover.Don't judge ME.