Wednesday 4 August 2010

Questions about death

I've just been to a funeral this morning. Funerals are obviously sad and emotional. Thus, it is known as a dark parade. Such a young life was taken and most people would ask why? No one can answer that question but i guess that is our destiny. Life happens and ends. We have no say in it. "Wait. I don't want to be born now" or "Wait. I don't want to die now", these phrases can only be words. Birth and death wait for no one.

It made me think a lot about death. What does it feels like to die? Where will we go? Will we wonder around and for how long? What about our soul? Do we know that we are dead? What is next after death? Is there another life after that? Is it really goodbye? Different religion view death differently. Plus, the ritual are so different. But, all these questions can only be answered when it is our time to leave Earth.

Life is momentarily. Appreciate your family, your loved ones and your friends. Do not take them for granted because the time you spent with them will be your most precious memories when they are gone. With your memories you will never forget them. So, it will never be a goodbye for good. It will just be short time of separation.