Thursday 22 July 2010


Life is a cycle on Earth,
It's been going on for thousands of years,
Just like the season,
Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

You are rich or you are poor,
You can be white, black or yellow,
Maybe you are the king, the president or a star,
In the eyes of Death we are just human.

Life on Earth is just temporary,
Birth and death are daily,
It is all a matter of Time,
Before your fate takes you.

Death knows no money,
It knows no colour,
It knows no age,
Or even who and how important you are.

We are mortal with one similar agenda,
A road that all human must travel,
Death has nothing but ONE,
We are helpless when it claims our life.

Thursday 8 July 2010

Mixed emotions

On Mother's Day this year, Dylan and I found a mother cat and three kittens. The first two kittens were fine but the third kitten was already dead for hours. The kittens were about 2 to 3 weeks old.The mother cat actually belonged to the neighbour but they denied it since it was pregnant. So, we took the mother cat and two kittens in. I did all the feeding, cleaning up and playing with these three strays.
I got a scare one day that the mother cat might be pregnant again. So, Evan offered to bring the mother cat and I to the vet and luckily, she was not pregnant. So, i told the vet the story about this cat and i would like to neuter her. Plus, her kittens were already eating solid food. I brought the mother cat back two days later to have her neutered. It all went well and got her home by that evening. She was a little aggressive and made life harder. Her kittens were kept in a huge cage at night while the mother cat was free to wander.

They stayed on our veranda which was not hot because there is shade. But, it made taking and keeping the laundry into a big chore. This is because the mother cat would run into the room and when i tried carrying her out, she will bite or scratched. I took the opportunity to take them to the SSPCA Adoption Day with mum but no one adopted them. When i came back, i just feel so down and disappointed. No doubt that they were the best looking feline there.So, i am best at crying so i cried.

I hated cleaning up someone's mess. Just because the previous owner didn't neuter the cat, it became pregnant and produced unwanted kittens. The line just go on and most human are heartless. The only solution that they have is throwing the mother cat away. I was so angry and sad but i know i have to hold on until someone adopt them. I wanted the mother cat and kittens adopted by the same family but learned that it is a rare case. I did what i have to and just yesterday, i got a call from a man who wanted the kittens. He saw my poster from the vet.

I explained to him that the mother cat is also available and he said he would love to adopt all of them. He didn't even ask about the price until the end of the conversation so he might be a good owner. I gave away the mother cat and two kittens just this morning. I was happy and sad at the same time. I was happy because they are wanted now and sad because i will never see them again. My only prayer is that Mimi, Jac Jac and Gus Gus are with a loving, caring and responsible family.